We sell a complete Quickie QRI chair, with either a 16 inch (40 cm) or an 18 inch (45 cm) seat. It has OctalWheels, Cross Slope Control and Flutter Control.
The price is 20,000.00 US dollars. The price in your country will depend on the current exchange rate and any taxes and excise duties levied by your country. If you don’t like it, you can return it within 30 days of when you get it – see below.
You will pay 50% with order and we will check with you about configuration of the chair before we start the build. We estimate, conservatively, a delivery of four months but, since we rely on international manufacture and shipping, this could be quicker or slower. We’ll let you know how it is going.
When the machine is complete, we will tell you an exact charge for shipping, including insurance and any Visa charges. When you pay the remainder, we will pack and ship and send you a tracking number.
When it arrives at the border of your country (no import tarriffs in New Zealand, but there will be sales tax at 15%), excise will be due and this will be communicated to you.
What if I don’t like it??!!
Bear in mind that it’s like a gym – you can buy the membership but it won’t do you any good unless you put in the effort. Getting comfortable with this wheelchair is a bit like learning to ride a bicycle but with the requirement that you need to build the muscle. And, also, it goes so fast that you need to learn to keep it on the path. This takes a while.
If you are struggling with it, send an email to info@octalwheels.com, telling us your trouble – we might be able to fix it. But if you still don’t like it, we will give you a Returned Merchandise Authority number and you can return the two wheels to us – at your expense. When we get them, we will return $10,000 to you (USD).
The chair has been configured to suit you and is non-returnable. But, on the other hand, you will have a nice chair with cross slope control – and that’s not a bad thing. The chair accepts standard Quickie wheels.